Taking Root

Creating the Best Calls to Action for Your Opt-In Forms

What is a call to action (CTA)? In the context of your business website, they're words on or next to buttons that prompt visitors to join a mailing list, download a lead magnet, watch a video, make a purchase, or share some of your content. The text associated with those buttons can make the difference between success and failure in getting your prospects to take the action you want.

How To Customize Opt-In Forms And Analyze The Results

The number of analytic metrics involved with your business website can be dizzying. You built a website to accomplish specific goals like achieving a high ranking on the Search Engine Result Pages (SERP) for the keywords that are most relevant. You also built it in order to walk customers through an effective sales funnel toward conversion and sales. There are quite a few intermediate steps to reach that goal, and one of them is getting website visitors to opt in to your mailing list, so you can send them newsletters and other marketing touches that will help move them toward conversion.

How To Get More Email Subscribers With A Simple Change

Businesses tend to put a lot of effort into developing email marketing best practices, but often miss the opportunity to get those emails into the hands of as many people as possible. Lead generation is critical, and one of the best ways to generate leads is through an opt-in form on your website. Getting people to opt in can be a challenge, but there are some small changes you can make that can offer big results. Give them a reason to subscribe.

How The Right Lead Magnets Help Senior Living Communities

 Lead magnets, also known as content offers, are an extremely useful marketing tool for companies whose prospects put a great deal of time, thought, and research into their purchasing decision. In marketing terminology, these are high-consideration purchases.

The 5 Stages Of Admitting You Need Help With Marketing

At some point, every growing company reaches a point where it needs a better and more active marketing plan in order to continue its successful growth. This transitional stage can provide serious, and sometimes painful, challenges for the people who started those businesses and worked to get them this far. 

The False Economy Of Cheap Logo Design

Companies that are starting out or in the process of re-branding are faced with a lot of expenses all at once, and it can be a great temptation to cut corners by going with a low-priced logo designer. They're all over the Internet, and, hey, how hard can it really be? You just need something that looks cool and catches the eye, right? Sorry, not quite.

What's a Google Panda and How Does It Affect My SERP Ranking?

Google Panda sounds like it ought to be something cute and friendly, but in fact, it can bite you right in the SERP ranking if you don't know how to work with it correctly. Panda is one of Google's search algorithms, and it is designed to reward websites that have fresh, high-quality content with better SERP results while penalizing websites that don't keep their content fresh or that publish content that Google doesn't believe will be useful to its users.

Strapped For Time? 5 Tools for Entrepreneurs

Starting a new business is a very exciting process…and it can be very stressful. Most new business owners start out wearing most, if not all, of the hats in the office, and staying on top of everything is overwhelming. One thing every successful business owner needs to learn is how to take advantage of simple, effective productivity tools to help them get more done in less time, and rest assured that all the bases are covered.

What Are 301 Redirects And How Do They Impact My Website's Rankings?

If your company is ready to plan your next website redesign, this is a great time to consider what features and functions will help you get better Search Engine Result Page (SERP) rankings, traffic, engagement, and conversion rates. Achieving page-one SERP rankings for the most likely search terms pertinent to your business and products carries many advantages, but the most important is that if your page is not on page one of the SERPs for relevant search terms, it has less than a five percent chance of ever being seen by search engine users at all.

How To Provide Great Customer Service On Social Media

It wasn't that long ago when having a business presence on social media was optional. Now, it's expected, and it's no longer good enough to simply post when you have a promotion or other announcement.